Inaugural Sessions 2021
Long Covid: The way ahead
Draft Programme, Subject to change
Presentation 1
Long Covid: Critical patient management issues in primary care
Medical/non-medical treatment
Satellite 1
Title to be confirmed
This sponsored promotional symposium is organised and funded by the Bristol Myers Squibb-Pfizer Alliance and is intended for UK healthcare professionals only.

Details tbc
Presentation 2
Managing the workload: Triage and telephones
Growth in workload in general practice
Embedding triage in general practice
Setting priorities
Need for increased on-line consultations
Incorporating future vaccination demands
Presentation 3
Long Covid and respiratory disease: Red flags and top tips
What is the prevalence/aetiology of respiratory symptoms of Long Covid in patients
What practical steps are needed
Satellite 2
Title to be confirmed
This sponsored promotional symposium is organised and funded by Chiesi Limited.

Details tbc
Presentation 4
Long Covid and cardiac disease: Red flags and top tips
How does Covid affect the cardiovascular and circulatory systems?
What is the prevalence of cardiac/circulatory symptoms in patients who are experiencing Long Covid?
Presentation 5
Long Covid: Helping patients help themselves.
Importance and value of working with Long Covid patients to self-manage
NHS resources e.g. Your Covid Recovery
Other resources from additional professionals e.g. occupational therapists, psychologists, dieticians
Satellite 3
Title to be confirmed
This sponsored promotional symposium is organised and funded by Bayer plc.

Details tbc
Presentation 6
The healthcare professional: It's also about us!
Managing stress

Session 4
27th November
Expert forum answering questions sent in from series participants

Your Host
Beverley Bostock
ANP Mann Cottage; Education Facilitator Devon Training Hub
Bev is a nurse practitioner and independent nurse prescriber working in general practice in Gloucestershire. She specialises in long term conditions. She is also an Education Facilitator for Devon Training Hub and is the Editor in Chief of Practice Nurse Journal and Primary Care Issues & Answers. She has key roles in respiratory care including as Asthma Lead for the Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists and with the Primary Care Respiratory Society Policy Forum. She is also the nurse board member for the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society. Bev has an MSc in Respiratory Care and an MA in Medical Ethics and Law. She has been a Queen’s Nurse since 2015.