Beverley Bostock
ANP, Mann Cottage
Editor-in-Chief, Primary Care Issues & Answers
Bev is a nurse practitioner and independent nurse prescriber working in general practice in Gloucestershire. She specialises in long term conditions. She is also an Education Facilitator for Herefordshire CCG and is the Editor-in-Chief of Practice Nurse Journal and Primary Care Issues & Answers. She has key roles in respiratory care including as Asthma Lead for the Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists and with the Primary Care Respiratory Society Policy Forum. She is also the nurse board member for the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society. Bev has an MSc in Respiratory Care and an MA in Medical Ethics and Law. She has been a Queen’s Nurse since 2015.
Dr Sharon Taylor
Consultant in Paediatric Liaison in CAMHS, St Mary’s Hospital
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer Imperial College London
Dr Taylor is an enthusiastic Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, therapist and educator and has been employed as a Consultant with CNWL mental health NHS since 2005 working across the range of Child mental health problems. She provides paediatric Liaison consultation to St Mary’s Hospital, London, working at the interface between paediatrics and child mental health. Prior to becoming a child psychiatrist, Sharon completed MRCP qualification in paediatrics.In the last year Dr Taylor has collaborated in a number of research projects and papers into Long Covid and has been involved in setting up Long Covid clinics for children and adults.
Dr Taylor is involved in training both medical students and postgraduate training in child psychiatry. Dr Taylor has authored over 30 publications, including 7 books, chapters and papers in peer-reviewed journals in the field of Long Covid, Paediatrics and Child Psychiatry.

Professor Brendan Delaney
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery & Cancer
Chair in Medical Informatics and Decision Making
I am a leading exponent internationally of the “Learning Health System” (LHS) concept. Although my initial training in research was in heath technology assessment, real-world (pragmatic) clinical trials and clinical research in Family Medicine, since 2003 I have worked in the area of Clinical Informatics, being appointed to a Chair in Medical Informatics at Imperial in 2015 and elected one of the first 100 founding fellows of the new UK Faculty of Clinical Informatics in 2017. I have had wide exposure to European and US clinical informatics through workshops and symposia.I was the UK lead investigator on an NIH Clinical Research Roadmap project (The Electronic Primary Care Research Network. HHS268N200425212C) 2006-10. From 2010-15 I led a €9million EU FP7 programme, “TRANSFoRm: Patient Safety and Translational Research in Europe”.
TRANSFoRm set about using ontologies, data standards and models to create a common infrastructure for the LHS with three specific use cases (eSource for clinical trials, phenomics and clinical diagnosis.
Prior to moving to Imperial I was Wolfson Professor of General Practice at King’s College London. At Imperial, I work in the Institute of Global Health Innovation, with research in Artificial Intelligence, cancer diagnosis and learning systems, eSource for clinical trials and global eHealth. I sit on the Cancer Research UK Population research funding panel and the Medical Research Council Methodology Research panel.

Dr Robin Harlow
Clinical Director for Primary Care Development: SHFT
GP Partner: Willow Group
PCN Clinical Director: Gosport Central
I qualified as a GP in 2008, and worked in both London and Winchester as a GP Partner, before moving to Gosport in 2017. We are a relatively unique GP Practice, delivering our services in partnership with Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. This collaboration has helped to sustain the delivery of primary care in Gosport to over 36000 of our residents. From the Better Local Care MCP Vanguard through to the development of Primary Care Networks, we have continued to transform our services in response to the needs of both our patients and staff, developing new models of care delivered by multi-disciplinary teams. I am passionate about working in collaboration with our partners in health, social care and education, our patients and our voluntary organisations to provide holistic care and support. I am the Clinical Director for Gosport Central PCN, and have worked in roles as the Clinical Director for our SHFT services in Portsmouth and the Southeast, incorporating Mental Health, Physical Health, Palliative Care and our Community Services, and more recently as the Clinical Director for Primary Care Development across SHFT, supporting our transformation programmes and partnership working with Primary Care. More recently, in my role as Clinical Director for Primary Care development, I worked as part of a leadership team to support the design and implementation of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Long COVID service, delivered through partnership working, multi-professional teams and the use of digital technology.